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Lumella & Lumelus

Lumel’s Bacchus Figures – Symbolism and History

Bacchus Figures – A Unique Symbol of Zielona Góra

Bacchus figures are extraordinary, charming sculptures that have become an integral part of Zielona Góra – a city with a rich winemaking tradition. The history of viticulture in Zielona Góra dates back to the 14th century, with the first documented mention of vineyards in the region recorded in 1314. Over the centuries, the city became the center of a winemaking district, marking the northeasternmost area of viticulture in Europe.

Each Bacchus figure is a small work of art, unique in form and meaning, connected to a specific story, place, or institution it represents. Scattered across different parts of the city, these delightful sculptures attract the attention of residents and tourists alike, adding an element of fun and inviting exploration of Zielona Góra’s hidden gems.

The Bacchus figures not only symbolize local culture but also embody creativity and community spirit, making Zielona Góra an even more extraordinary place. Their presence in the city serves as a reminder of its rich winemaking history and the annual Grape Harvest Festival (Winobranie), which is the largest celebration of its kind in Poland.

Lumel’s Bacchus Figures – Lumelus and Lumella
A Long Road to Decision
Lumelus – The Foundry Bacchus
Lumella – The Beautiful Bacchante
The Creation Process
Where to Find Lumelus and Lumella
The Message of the Bacchus Figures